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Global Climate Strike 3/25/2022
The Global Climate Strike happens every year but has been made well known over the past few years via Greta Thunberg & the organization she inspired, Friday's for Future.
The organization has 3 simple goals:
1.) Keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels.
2.) Ensure climate justice and equity.
3.) Listen to the best united science currently available.
While I personally have severe social anxiety and usually avoid activism, I think the timing of this strike is critical!
I will be attending the strike in Austin,TX but I encourage everyone to make a plan to attend the closest strike to them on March 25th.
Find the closest Climate Strike to you: Global Climate Strike Map

Join Shelbi & Madison at the Labyrinth at St. David's Episcopal Church (301 E 8th Street, Austin, TX 78701) to create your own poster for the Global Climate Strike! Some materials will be provided (all second hand of course!) but please feel free to bring your own as well.
Mar 25, 2022, 2:45 PM – 4:00 PM
Labyrinth @ St. David's Episcopal Church,
301 E 8th St, Austin, TX 78701, USA
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